Seasonal Produce

For pricing please call 940 366 9816 or 366 9817. You can also email us prior to or during the season.

Blackberries (May-June)

Our bushes grow wild and sweet blackberries in late May until mid June. We eat a LOT of it, and freeze-- again-- a LOT of it, for winter eating!

Pears (July-August)

The yield from our three gorgeous pear trees far exceeds our household demand! So, we sell our fresh pears in late July and August.  Unfortunately, there's no 2008 harvest, thanks to a dry spring and early summer.

Pecans (October-November)

Seis Flechas' resident squirrels love our pecan trees! Our pecan grove supplies not only the most populous squirrel nation around the Red River, but also has left over for us, and for YOU! We don't shell them, but we have good prices.